Model with Five RTL Group Levels

Initial Model Results

##           Actual
## Prediction 0-6 13-18 19-24 25-30 7-12
##      0-6     0     0     0     0    0
##      13-18   2    16     6     4    8
##      19-24   0     0     4     0    0
##      25-30   0     0     0     0    0
##      7-12   99   119    74    28  204

Tuned Model Accuracy

Tuning the model generates an accuracy of 0.606

## Parameter tuning of 'svm':
## - sampling method: 10-fold cross validation 
## - best parameters:
##  gamma cost
##    0.1    4
## - best performance: 0.5939223

Best Model Parameters

## Call:
## best.svm(x = rtl_group ~ gender + age_group + test_1_pcss_group, 
##     data = svm_train, kernel = "radial")
## Parameters:
##    SVM-Type:  C-classification 
##  SVM-Kernel:  radial 
##        cost:  1 
## Number of Support Vectors:  508

Best Model Predictions

##           Actual
## Prediction 0-6 13-18 19-24 25-30 7-12
##      0-6     0     0     0     0    0
##      13-18   0     1     1     1    0
##      19-24   0     2     0     0    0
##      25-30   0     0     0     0    0
##      7-12   36    44    29     5   72

Best Model Accuracy

The generated accuracy does not seem realistic or accurate.

## [1] 1.46

Model with Five RTL Group Levels (Alternative Code)

Model Predictions

##          Actual
## Predicted 0-6 13-18 19-24 25-30 7-12
##     0-6     0     0     0     0    0
##     13-18   0     0     0     0    0
##     19-24   0     0     0     0    0
##     25-30   0     0     0     0    0
##     7-12  137   182   114    38  284

Model Accuracy

This code generates an accuracy of 0.624

## [1] 0.6238411

Parameter Tuning Plot

Parameter Tuning Summary

## Parameter tuning of 'svm':
## - sampling method: 10-fold cross validation 
## - best parameters:
##  epsilon cost
##        0    8
## - best performance: 0.5974561 
## - Detailed performance results:
##    epsilon cost     error dispersion
## 1      0.0    4 0.6027544 0.06766287
## 2      0.1    4 0.6027544 0.06766287
## 3      0.2    4 0.6027544 0.06766287
## 4      0.3    4 0.6027544 0.06766287
## 5      0.4    4 0.6027544 0.06766287
## 6      0.5    4 0.6027544 0.06766287
## 7      0.6    4 0.6027544 0.06766287
## 8      0.7    4 0.6027544 0.06766287
## 9      0.8    4 0.6027544 0.06766287
## 10     0.9    4 0.6027544 0.06766287
## 11     1.0    4 0.6027544 0.06766287
## 12     0.0    8 0.5974561 0.07000106
## 13     0.1    8 0.5974561 0.07000106
## 14     0.2    8 0.5974561 0.07000106
## 15     0.3    8 0.5974561 0.07000106
## 16     0.4    8 0.5974561 0.07000106
## 17     0.5    8 0.5974561 0.07000106
## 18     0.6    8 0.5974561 0.07000106
## 19     0.7    8 0.5974561 0.07000106
## 20     0.8    8 0.5974561 0.07000106
## 21     0.9    8 0.5974561 0.07000106
## 22     1.0    8 0.5974561 0.07000106
## 23     0.0   16 0.5974561 0.07000106
## 24     0.1   16 0.5974561 0.07000106
## 25     0.2   16 0.5974561 0.07000106
## 26     0.3   16 0.5974561 0.07000106
## 27     0.4   16 0.5974561 0.07000106
## 28     0.5   16 0.5974561 0.07000106
## 29     0.6   16 0.5974561 0.07000106
## 30     0.7   16 0.5974561 0.07000106
## 31     0.8   16 0.5974561 0.07000106
## 32     0.9   16 0.5974561 0.07000106
## 33     1.0   16 0.5974561 0.07000106
## 34     0.0   32 0.6014386 0.07278956
## 35     0.1   32 0.6014386 0.07278956
## 36     0.2   32 0.6014386 0.07278956
## 37     0.3   32 0.6014386 0.07278956
## 38     0.4   32 0.6014386 0.07278956
## 39     0.5   32 0.6014386 0.07278956
## 40     0.6   32 0.6014386 0.07278956
## 41     0.7   32 0.6014386 0.07278956
## 42     0.8   32 0.6014386 0.07278956
## 43     0.9   32 0.6014386 0.07278956
## 44     1.0   32 0.6014386 0.07278956
## 45     0.0   64 0.6067719 0.07353699
## 46     0.1   64 0.6067719 0.07353699
## 47     0.2   64 0.6067719 0.07353699
## 48     0.3   64 0.6067719 0.07353699
## 49     0.4   64 0.6067719 0.07353699
## 50     0.5   64 0.6067719 0.07353699
## 51     0.6   64 0.6067719 0.07353699
## 52     0.7   64 0.6067719 0.07353699
## 53     0.8   64 0.6067719 0.07353699
## 54     0.9   64 0.6067719 0.07353699
## 55     1.0   64 0.6067719 0.07353699
## 56     0.0  128 0.6067719 0.07353699
## 57     0.1  128 0.6067719 0.07353699
## 58     0.2  128 0.6067719 0.07353699
## 59     0.3  128 0.6067719 0.07353699
## 60     0.4  128 0.6067719 0.07353699
## 61     0.5  128 0.6067719 0.07353699
## 62     0.6  128 0.6067719 0.07353699
## 63     0.7  128 0.6067719 0.07353699
## 64     0.8  128 0.6067719 0.07353699
## 65     0.9  128 0.6067719 0.07353699
## 66     1.0  128 0.6067719 0.07353699

Summary of Best Model

## Call:
## best.tune(method = svm, train.x = rtl_group ~ gender + age_group + 
##     test_1_pcss_group, data = svm_data, ranges = list(epsilon = seq(0, 
##     1, 0.1), cost = 2^(2:7)))
## Parameters:
##    SVM-Type:  C-classification 
##  SVM-Kernel:  radial 
##        cost:  8 
## Number of Support Vectors:  661
##  ( 200 137 176 110 38 )
## Number of Classes:  5 
## Levels: 
##  0-6 13-18 19-24 25-30 7-12

Final Prediction Table

##          Actual
## Predicted 0-6 13-18 19-24 25-30 7-12
##     0-6     0     0     0     0    0
##     13-18   2    15     1     5    5
##     19-24   0    13    22     0    4
##     25-30   0     0     0     0    0
##     7-12  135   154    91    33  275

Final Prediction Accuracy

The model generates an accuracy of 0.587

## [1] 0.586755

Model with Two RTL Group Levels

Initial Model Results

##           Actual
## Prediction 0-12 13-30
##      0-12   295   208
##      13-30   20    42

Tuned Model Accuracy

Tuning the model generates an accuracy of 0.398

## Parameter tuning of 'svm':
## - sampling method: 10-fold cross validation 
## - best parameters:
##  gamma cost
##   0.16    1
## - best performance: 0.3966479

Best Model Parameters

## Call:
## best.svm(x = rtl_group ~ gender + age_group + test_1_pcss_group, 
##     data = svm_train2, kernel = "radial")
## Parameters:
##    SVM-Type:  C-classification 
##  SVM-Kernel:  radial 
##        cost:  1 
## Number of Support Vectors:  496

Best Model Predictions

##           Actual
## Prediction 0-12 13-30
##      0-12    99    67
##      13-30    7    17

Best Model Accuracy

The generated accuracy does not seem realistic or accurate.

## [1] 2.32

Model with Two RTL Group Levels (Alternative Code)

Model Predictions

##          Actual
## Predicted 0-12 13-30
##     0-12   394   279
##     13-30   27    55

Model Accuracy

This code generates an accuracy of 0.405

## [1] 0.405298

Parameter Tuning Plot

Parameter Tuning Summary

## Parameter tuning of 'svm':
## - sampling method: 10-fold cross validation 
## - best parameters:
##  epsilon cost
##        0    4
## - best performance: 0.3828596 
## - Detailed performance results:
##    epsilon cost     error dispersion
## 1      0.0    4 0.3828596 0.06738665
## 2      0.1    4 0.3828596 0.06738665
## 3      0.2    4 0.3828596 0.06738665
## 4      0.3    4 0.3828596 0.06738665
## 5      0.4    4 0.3828596 0.06738665
## 6      0.5    4 0.3828596 0.06738665
## 7      0.6    4 0.3828596 0.06738665
## 8      0.7    4 0.3828596 0.06738665
## 9      0.8    4 0.3828596 0.06738665
## 10     0.9    4 0.3828596 0.06738665
## 11     1.0    4 0.3828596 0.06738665
## 12     0.0    8 0.3895263 0.07238325
## 13     0.1    8 0.3895263 0.07238325
## 14     0.2    8 0.3895263 0.07238325
## 15     0.3    8 0.3895263 0.07238325
## 16     0.4    8 0.3895263 0.07238325
## 17     0.5    8 0.3895263 0.07238325
## 18     0.6    8 0.3895263 0.07238325
## 19     0.7    8 0.3895263 0.07238325
## 20     0.8    8 0.3895263 0.07238325
## 21     0.9    8 0.3895263 0.07238325
## 22     1.0    8 0.3895263 0.07238325
## 23     0.0   16 0.3921579 0.07038696
## 24     0.1   16 0.3921579 0.07038696
## 25     0.2   16 0.3921579 0.07038696
## 26     0.3   16 0.3921579 0.07038696
## 27     0.4   16 0.3921579 0.07038696
## 28     0.5   16 0.3921579 0.07038696
## 29     0.6   16 0.3921579 0.07038696
## 30     0.7   16 0.3921579 0.07038696
## 31     0.8   16 0.3921579 0.07038696
## 32     0.9   16 0.3921579 0.07038696
## 33     1.0   16 0.3921579 0.07038696
## 34     0.0   32 0.3921404 0.06858698
## 35     0.1   32 0.3921404 0.06858698
## 36     0.2   32 0.3921404 0.06858698
## 37     0.3   32 0.3921404 0.06858698
## 38     0.4   32 0.3921404 0.06858698
## 39     0.5   32 0.3921404 0.06858698
## 40     0.6   32 0.3921404 0.06858698
## 41     0.7   32 0.3921404 0.06858698
## 42     0.8   32 0.3921404 0.06858698
## 43     0.9   32 0.3921404 0.06858698
## 44     1.0   32 0.3921404 0.06858698
## 45     0.0   64 0.3881754 0.06889098
## 46     0.1   64 0.3881754 0.06889098
## 47     0.2   64 0.3881754 0.06889098
## 48     0.3   64 0.3881754 0.06889098
## 49     0.4   64 0.3881754 0.06889098
## 50     0.5   64 0.3881754 0.06889098
## 51     0.6   64 0.3881754 0.06889098
## 52     0.7   64 0.3881754 0.06889098
## 53     0.8   64 0.3881754 0.06889098
## 54     0.9   64 0.3881754 0.06889098
## 55     1.0   64 0.3881754 0.06889098
## 56     0.0  128 0.3881754 0.06889098
## 57     0.1  128 0.3881754 0.06889098
## 58     0.2  128 0.3881754 0.06889098
## 59     0.3  128 0.3881754 0.06889098
## 60     0.4  128 0.3881754 0.06889098
## 61     0.5  128 0.3881754 0.06889098
## 62     0.6  128 0.3881754 0.06889098
## 63     0.7  128 0.3881754 0.06889098
## 64     0.8  128 0.3881754 0.06889098
## 65     0.9  128 0.3881754 0.06889098
## 66     1.0  128 0.3881754 0.06889098

Summary of Best Model

## Call:
## best.tune(method = svm, train.x = rtl_group ~ gender + age_group + 
##     test_1_pcss_group, data = svm_data2, ranges = list(epsilon = seq(0, 
##     1, 0.1), cost = 2^(2:7)))
## Parameters:
##    SVM-Type:  C-classification 
##  SVM-Kernel:  radial 
##        cost:  4 
## Number of Support Vectors:  620
##  ( 310 310 )
## Number of Classes:  2 
## Levels: 
##  0-12 13-30

Final Prediction Table

##          Actual
## Predicted 0-12 13-30
##     0-12   406   273
##     13-30   15    61

Final Prediction Accuracy

The model generates an accuracy of 0.381

## [1] 0.381457

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