Model with Five RTL Group Levels


The produced model has very low sensitivity and descent specificity.

## # A tibble: 10 × 7
## # Groups:   .metric [2]
##    id     cost_complexity min_n .metric .estimator .estimate .config              
##    <chr>            <dbl> <int> <chr>   <chr>          <dbl> <chr>                
##  1 Fold07    0.0000000001    30 sens    macro          0.267 Preprocessor1_Model31
##  2 Fold07    0.000000001     30 sens    macro          0.267 Preprocessor1_Model32
##  3 Fold07    0.00000001      30 sens    macro          0.267 Preprocessor1_Model33
##  4 Fold07    0.0000001       30 sens    macro          0.267 Preprocessor1_Model34
##  5 Fold07    0.000001        30 sens    macro          0.267 Preprocessor1_Model35
##  6 Fold07    0.0000000001     2 spec    macro          0.827 Preprocessor1_Model01
##  7 Fold07    0.000000001      2 spec    macro          0.827 Preprocessor1_Model02
##  8 Fold07    0.00000001       2 spec    macro          0.827 Preprocessor1_Model03
##  9 Fold07    0.0000001        2 spec    macro          0.827 Preprocessor1_Model04
## 10 Fold07    0.000001         2 spec    macro          0.827 Preprocessor1_Model05

ROC Plot

ROC Value

The best ROC value of the model is 0.555, which corresponds to a weak model that cannot classify observations with consistency.

## # A tibble: 5 × 8
##   cost_complexity min_n .metric .estimator  mean     n std_err .config              
##             <dbl> <int> <chr>   <chr>      <dbl> <int>   <dbl> <chr>                
## 1    0.0000000001    11 roc_auc hand_till  0.555    10  0.0154 Preprocessor1_Model11
## 2    0.000000001     11 roc_auc hand_till  0.555    10  0.0154 Preprocessor1_Model12
## 3    0.00000001      11 roc_auc hand_till  0.555    10  0.0154 Preprocessor1_Model13
## 4    0.0000001       11 roc_auc hand_till  0.555    10  0.0154 Preprocessor1_Model14
## 5    0.000001        11 roc_auc hand_till  0.555    10  0.0154 Preprocessor1_Model15

Model Tuning ROC

With adjustments to the model, the ROC remains at 0.555, indicating that the model is accurately classifying with 50% accuracy - not a strong trade-off between true positive rate and false positive rate

## # A tibble: 1 × 7
##   min_n .metric .estimator  mean     n std_err .config              
##   <int> <chr>   <chr>      <dbl> <int>   <dbl> <chr>                
## 1    11 roc_auc hand_till  0.555    10  0.0154 Preprocessor1_Model02

Model Metrics on Test Fit

## [[1]]
## # A tibble: 5 × 4
##   .metric      .estimator .estimate .config             
##   <chr>        <chr>          <dbl> <chr>               
## 1 sens         macro          0.196 Preprocessor1_Model1
## 2 spec         macro          0.799 Preprocessor1_Model1
## 3 accuracy     multiclass     0.366 Preprocessor1_Model1
## 4 bal_accuracy macro          0.497 Preprocessor1_Model1
## 5 roc_auc      hand_till      0.550 Preprocessor1_Model1

Model Predictions

## # A tibble: 10 × 4
## # Groups:   rtl_group [5]
##    .pred_class rtl_group     n   prop
##    <fct>       <fct>     <int>  <dbl>
##  1 0-6         7-12          2 0.0278
##  2 13-18       13-18         1 0.0213
##  3 13-18       19-24         3 0.1   
##  4 13-18       25-30         1 0.167 
##  5 13-18       7-12          1 0.0139
##  6 7-12        0-6          36 1     
##  7 7-12        13-18        46 0.979 
##  8 7-12        19-24        27 0.9   
##  9 7-12        25-30         5 0.833 
## 10 7-12        7-12         69 0.958

Predictions Plot

Model with Five RTL Group Levels


The model appears to be very sensitive but specificity is significantly reduced

## # A tibble: 10 × 7
## # Groups:   .metric [2]
##    id     cost_complexity min_n .metric .estimator .estimate .config              
##    <chr>            <dbl> <int> <chr>   <chr>          <dbl> <chr>                
##  1 Fold01    0.01             2 sens    binary         1     Preprocessor1_Model09
##  2 Fold01    0.1              2 sens    binary         1     Preprocessor1_Model10
##  3 Fold01    0.01            11 sens    binary         1     Preprocessor1_Model19
##  4 Fold01    0.1             11 sens    binary         1     Preprocessor1_Model20
##  5 Fold01    0.01            21 sens    binary         1     Preprocessor1_Model29
##  6 Fold09    0.0000000001     2 spec    binary         0.182 Preprocessor1_Model01
##  7 Fold09    0.000000001      2 spec    binary         0.182 Preprocessor1_Model02
##  8 Fold09    0.00000001       2 spec    binary         0.182 Preprocessor1_Model03
##  9 Fold09    0.0000001        2 spec    binary         0.182 Preprocessor1_Model04
## 10 Fold09    0.000001         2 spec    binary         0.182 Preprocessor1_Model05

ROC Plot

ROC Value

The best ROC value of the model is 0.54, which corresponds to a weak model that cannot classify observations with consistency. Reducing RTL variable to two groups did not seem to help much.

## # A tibble: 5 × 8
##   cost_complexity min_n .metric .estimator  mean     n std_err .config              
##             <dbl> <int> <chr>   <chr>      <dbl> <int>   <dbl> <chr>                
## 1    0.01             2 roc_auc binary     0.541    10 0.00738 Preprocessor1_Model09
## 2    0.01            11 roc_auc binary     0.541    10 0.00738 Preprocessor1_Model19
## 3    0.01            21 roc_auc binary     0.523    10 0.0139  Preprocessor1_Model29
## 4    0.0000000001     2 roc_auc binary     0.511    10 0.0151  Preprocessor1_Model01
## 5    0.000000001      2 roc_auc binary     0.511    10 0.0151  Preprocessor1_Model02

Model Tuning ROC

Similar to the first model attempt, adjustments to the model keep the ROC at 0.555.

## # A tibble: 1 × 7
##   min_n .metric .estimator  mean     n std_err .config              
##   <int> <chr>   <chr>      <dbl> <int>   <dbl> <chr>                
## 1    11 roc_auc hand_till  0.555    10  0.0154 Preprocessor1_Model02

Model Metrics on Test Fit

## [[1]]
## # A tibble: 5 × 4
##   .metric      .estimator .estimate .config             
##   <chr>        <chr>          <dbl> <chr>               
## 1 sens         binary         0.925 Preprocessor1_Model1
## 2 spec         binary         0.214 Preprocessor1_Model1
## 3 accuracy     binary         0.611 Preprocessor1_Model1
## 4 bal_accuracy binary         0.569 Preprocessor1_Model1
## 5 roc_auc      binary         0.525 Preprocessor1_Model1

Model Predictions

## # A tibble: 4 × 4
## # Groups:   rtl_group [2]
##   .pred_class rtl_group     n   prop
##   <fct>       <fct>     <int>  <dbl>
## 1 0-12        0-12         98 0.925 
## 2 0-12        13-30        66 0.786 
## 3 13-30       0-12          8 0.0755
## 4 13-30       13-30        18 0.214

Predictions Plot

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