Demographic Information

Participant Demographics
Sex Age Prior Concussions History of Depression or Anxiety
Female 13 3 Yes

Outcome Measurements

GAS Hierarchy - Increase weekly assignment completion


Self-report responses that guided treatment at time of pre-baseline data collection:

  • Task Completion Scale
  • Plan/Organize Scale
  • Cognitive Regulation Index

Elevated scores from the parent-report pre-baseline included:

  • Inhibit Scale
  • Self-Monitor Scale
  • Behavior Regulation Index
  • Shift Scale
  • Emotional Control Scale
  • Emotional Regulation Index
  • Initiate Scale
  • Working Memory Scale
  • Plan/Organize Scale
  • Cognitive Regulation Index
  • Global Executive Composite

BRIEF-2 Self-Report Plot

BRIEF-2 Self-Report Table Version 1

BRIEF-2 Self-Report Table Version 2

BRIEF-2 Parent-Report Plot

BRIEF-2 Parent-Report Table Version 1

BRIEF-2 Parent-Report Table Version 2


Self-report responses that guided treatment at time of pre-baseline data collection:

  • Easily distracted during homework
  • Homework taking longer

Parent-report responses that guided treatment at time of pre-baseline data collection:

  • Homework taking longer

CLASS Self 1

CLASS Self 2

CLASS Self Table

CLASS Parent 1

CLASS parent 2

CLASS Parent Table


Pre-baseline symptom severity levels that guided treatment selection:

  • Feeling “slow”
  • Feeling “foggy”
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulty remembering
  • Cognitive symptom cluster

All Scores

Symptom Scores

Total and Cluster Scores

Repeated Measurements

Status Tracking


Assignment Count

Assignment Count 2

Assignment Count Table

Repeated Strategy Measurements

Cognitive Strategy: Use of academic planner to track weekly assignments.

Frequency of Strategy Use (Plot 1)

Frequency of Strategy Use (Plot 2)

Perceived Strategy Helpfulness

Treatment Implementation Measurements


The TARF is used to measure social validity.

Treatment Compliance

Participant 3 did not cancel or reschedule any sessions. There was a 3-week break between sessions 12 and 13 due to the winter holiday break.

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